Joyous Childbirth Online Prenatal Preparation Program

Enjoy Your Pregnancy, And Bring Your Baby Into This World With Love And Joy

Will A Lack Of Ongoing Guidance And Support Prevent You From Enjoying A Healthy Pregnancy And Having An Easy Childbirth?

If you really care about your birthing process and want to be as fully informed as possible, taking into consideration the time constraint on doctors in the current medical system, let me be a point of reference for you.

Having a baby is a natural process. Let me help you understand the process and preparation from a place of being an expert in the field of Natural Childbirth.

The Joyous Childbirth Online Prenatal Preparation Program Is A Godsend For You If You:

  • Are afraid and feel unprepared for birth
  • Have heard traumatic birth stories from other moms
  • Want your partner to support you, but he does not know how to help you
  • Want to give your unborn baby the best growth and development opportunities
  • Want to give your baby a safe, peaceful, and joyous entry into this world
  • Have read a lot of books, surfed the net but still are not sure what you should be doing to prepare for childbirth
  • Need useful and current information to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can feel relaxed and ready for your childbirth

Pregnancy Does Not Last Long, And Your Baby Is Totally Dependent On You For Its Optimal Growth And Development

The quality of your birth experience depends on your preparation – Your life and birth experience does matter – You are the deciding factor for your birth experience

The Powerful Joyous Childbirth Modules Will Educate You With Safe Result Oriented Strategies To Ensure Your Joyous Childbirth

This program is for first time moms who are looking to align ancient wisdom with modern medicine. This Online Video Series is designed to prepare you for an easy safe and natural childbirth while enjoying a healthy pregnancy.

“The Joyous Childbirth” Blueprint shows you how to have a natural birth effortlessly, without drugs or interventions. You will:

  • Harness the infinite power of universal laws so you can maximize your body’s resources to give birth easily.
  • Develop an amazingly beautiful nurturing relationship and a spiritual connection with your baby before birth and get baby to help you have an easy birth.
  • Learn how to have with your baby.
  • Use proven breathing techniques to oxygenate your cells and assist with pain relief.
  • Design and achieve your dream birth by reprogramming your brain and treasure the experience for the rest of your life (even if it seems confusing, or impossible).
  • Know when your true labor starts so you can reach the hospital at the right time.
  • Learn specific Yoga poses to strengthen your birthing muscles for an easy birth.
  • Be prepared when things don’t go as expected.
  • Learn to implement a simple technique to avoid perineal tearing.
  • Save yourself and your baby from the harmful effects of narcotics.
  • Know how to have a safe hospital discharge for yourself and baby.
  • Know the right foods to nourish yourself so you can have a fit body for childbirth.
  • Have a well-informed partner to assist you so you always feel supported.
  • Learn how to successfully breastfeed your baby.
  • Know how to remove any fear or anxiety so that you approach birth confidently.
  • Complete your Birth Plan based on your personal needs and wishes so you can communicate your birth requests in a way that supports you.
  • Walk away with simple steps that are easily doable in less than an hour every day.

Here Is What You Get:

  • Access to the recordings of all 7 modules which cover everything you need to know to prepare yourself for childbirth while enjoying a healthy pregnancy and providing the best start for your unborn baby (Valued at 1497)
  • Workbook with handouts so you can easily access important information and complete the assignments to get the results you desire (Valued at $97)
  • Private FB Group to interact with me and other couples (Valued at $497)
  • Priceless Bonuses

    1. Heart touching Poems to help you bond with your baby
      1. Mother’s conversation with her unborn child
      2. Daddy’s promise
    2. Birth Plan Template to ensure your care providers understand your needs

I Aim To Help As Many Women As I Can!

Total Value: More Than $2091

You Only Pay $497 (More Than 75% Off)

Benefits Of The Prenatal Preparation Reported By Previous Clients:

  • Increased ease and confidence in their birthing abilities.
  • No perineal tearing.
  • Managing pain with natural alternatives and avoiding interventions during birth.
  • Clarity about birth, with a step-by-step daily plan to implement.
  • Gratitude for having a supportive partner.
  • Quick recovery after baby’s birth.
  • Establishing a strong relationship with baby.
  • Making informed decisions during pregnancy and birth.
  • A happy calm baby, feeding well.