You and Your Baby Both Deserve Peace and Joy!

Why Do You Need A Trauma Relief Session?

  • You deserve to live in a peaceful joyous state, regardless of the unbearable situations and hardships that you had to deal with in your life
  • Your emotional state affects you and your baby as your emotions are passed on to your baby and can adversely affect the health and well-being of your little one!

When Do You Need A Trauma Relief Session?

There are many reasons when you feel super stressed and feel you are expected to deal with a situation that drives you to a desperate panic mode every time you think of it. Here are some common reasons women have requested a trauma relief session.


A crisis that was unexpected and difficult to manage.

  1. Career change or compelled to go on leave for some reason
  2. A difficult pregnancy
  3. Loss of a loved one
  4. Memory of a traumatic event that was witnessed or experienced
  5. Emergency situations related to pregnancy health
  6. Relationship challenges
  7. Some unkind words that have deeply wounded you and impacted your well being


  1. Lack of support during birth
  2. An emergency c-section
  3. When birth did not go as expected
  4. Serious complications related to birth
  5. Unexpected behavior of care givers
  6. Interventions that were perceived as unnecessary
  7. Trauma during birth

When You Feel You Deserve To Enjoy Your Life And Be There For Your Baby

What Symptoms Indicate That You Are Deeply Affected By The Trauma?

Emotional & Psychological Symptoms:

  • Shock, denial, or disbelief
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating
  • Anger, irritability, mood swings
  • Anxiety and fear
  • Guilt, shame, self-blame
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Feeling sad or hopeless
  • Feeling disconnected or numb

Physical Symptoms:

  • Insomnia or nightmares
  • Fatigue
  • Being startled easily
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Edginess and agitation
  • Aches and pains
  • Muscle tension

What Can You Expect From A Trauma Relief Session?

After you have paid for your session, you will receive a form to complete where you will share the experience that is traumatizing you. On the calendar link you may choose a date and time slot for an hour. You will receive the zoom link as that is how the session is conducted.

What Happens During Your Session?

During the scheduled time, I will assess the intensity and location of the trauma. I will use energy techniques to move and remove the trauma to the maximum extent possible. In the session, we explore together what has impacted your mind, body, and soul and how we can make things better for you to live a happy, healthy, and meaningful life.

A reassessment will take place at the end. You will email me a week later to check the extent of the relief you experience, and your next steps will be communicated via email.

When You Feel You Deserve To Enjoy Your Life And Be There For Your Baby

What Happens After Your Session?

A week after the session you can expect to feel calm and relaxed when you think of the traumatic event you experienced. If it is a life situation that is ongoing, you will notice that it does not affect you now and you can cope with it easily and effectively.

What's The Intended Outcome Of Your Session?

I empower my clients to become the experts of their own lives and decide what they would like to work on and when. I come alongside you to provide guidance, support, and the necessary tools. I tailor my approaches to your needs and comfort level.

Still Have Questions?

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